Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”
If you’re new to Photoshop CC, this is the guide for you. In this video, you will be taken from zero to hero in terms of being able to use Photoshop to perform simple, yet effective commands and functions and take control of the photograph or graphic design that you’re working on in Photoshop. This tutorial will help you take the first steps to getting better at using Photoshop and impressing your friends and your next potential boss with the new-found skills that you possess. Here’s to you becoming the next Photoshop MASTER!
01:44 Part 1: Working with the UI and saving Workspaces
05:28 Part 2: The PSD, New Documents, and Dragging in New Files
08:17 Part 3: Tabbed Documents and Navigating the Open Documents
10:47 Part 4: What, Why, and How of Layers
16:19 Part 5: All About the Selection Tools
21:25 Part 6: The Move Tool
24:51 Part 7: The Shape Tools
30:04 Part 8: The Type Tool
33:55 Part 9: The Power of The Adjustment Layers
38:10 Part 10: Masks and Masking
44:11 Part 11: Filters and Smart Filters
47:06 Part 12: Transforming, Rotating, Resizing, Scaling
53:42 Part 13: Cropping, Resizing, and Straightening
57:04 Part 14: Undoing and the History Panel
59:36 Part 15: Saving, Exporting, and File Types
Check out the written article on tutvid.com: http://tutvid.com/photoshop-tutorials/15-step-beginners-guide-to-mastering-photoshop/
Image/PSD Credits:
Visual Editor (e.g. WordPress)
Image By: Photos app psd from http://365psd.com/day/5-202-photos-app-psd/
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