Home Graphic Photoshop Create Gorgeous Hair in Photoshop | PiXimperfect

Create Gorgeous Hair in Photoshop | PiXimperfect

Create Gorgeous Hair in Photoshop | PiXimperfect

A Super Quick Way to Add Depth and Dimension to Hair in Photoshop! Just using Curves and simple Blend Modes, let’s make the hair shine with glamour.

In this tutorial, first of all, we will use the power of Curves and masks to bring out the dimension in hair. Next, we will use blend modes and blend if to take care of the color and luminosity. Also, when we highlight or darken parts of the hair, sometimes there might occur a color shift, we’ll learn how to fix that as well. Hope this video helps you. Thanks for watching!

Camera: http://piximp.com/80D
Microphone: http://piximp.com/mic
Lens: http://piximp.com/50mm
Memory Card: http://piximp.com/sandisk64

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