Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”
PHOTOSHOP CC 2015.5 IS HERE! With each update of Photoshop we get a few new tweaks and updates. This article/video will cover all the important and useful updates in the latest and greatest version of our favorite photo editing application. This is THE Photoshop tutorial that will bring you up to speed in no time with all of the new and important features of Photoshop CC 2015.5
Check out the written article for a quick overview: http://tutvid.com/photoshop-tutorials/ultimate-guide-to-all-the-new-features-of-photoshop-cc-2015-5/
00:59 Face Aware Liquify
06:38 Select and Mask Workspace
13:46 Match Font
15:49 Content Aware Crop
18:42 Adobe Stock Photo Integration
21:32 Embedding Color Profile on Export
21:59 On-Canvas Glyph Alternatives
23:04 3D Manufacturing File (3MF) Format
23:50 Update to Artboards
25:30 Photoshop Speed Improvements
26:16 Copying Assets to Adobe Experience Design CC
27:03 Adobe Portfolio
28:14 Photoshop app downloads 65% faster
28:20 Legacy Healing Brush Mode
28:32 Font weights/styles grouped together
28:47 Document layer count in info and status bar
28:53 Info panel can show composite image values
28:59 Oil paint now works on lower end graphics cards
29:06 GPU rich features now enabled over remote connections
29:17 Better, faster content aware functionality
29:34 Small swatches again available in Swatches panel
29:41 Move divisions in Divide Slices command
29:54 Improved Brush performance
30:02 Text layer optimization
30:08 Detection of conflicting graphics cards to prevent Photoshop crashes
30:19 Name/value of color displayed in recently used colors
30:26 Hotkeys for Brush pressure & more
30:33 Hotkey for airbrush mode
30:41 New multi-touch changes
30:58 Color adaptation in Fill dialog box
31:07 32-bit system limitations
31:24 Photoshop to Behance integration is gone
31:41 No more Refine Edge dialog box
Pick up my image retouching tutorial package ($27) right here: http://tutvid.com/retouching-photos-photoshop/
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