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How Photoshop Actions Can Change Your Life – A Phlearn Video Tutorial

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Monday’s are contest days! Today we are reviewing the winner’s from this week’s contest, and announcing a new contest. Thank you to everyone who entered last week’s contest, your insights are really great, and I can tell you are all destined for greatness. The most important part of being a great photographer is having good taste, and taking a ton of photos. Enter our contest and I could make YOUR action. Actions take a bunch of steps and put them into auto mode in Photoshop. All you have to do is press a button, and your entire image gets edited before your eyes!

Contest Winners

I really thought everyone did a wonderful job on the contest, but I could only pick 5 winners. If you did not win this week, keep entering, your time will come! For the winners, be sure to send us an email and let us know which PRO Tutorial you would like 🙂 To view the contest and comments click here.

Jenny Su – A wonderful look on lighting and composition. A lot of things I would not have thought to do.
Paul L. – Brought up the idea of story telling, which is huge. The Story should be very clear in a photo.
Mark ODonnell – Spent a lot of time and energy analyzing the photo and gave some great insights.
Pat Mateos – A great look on composition, and suggestions on how to make the image FLOW.
Rochelle Marquette – Did a great job making clear the thoughts of the group and her own.
What You Will Learn

0:20 – Intro, Pump Up Time
1:00 – Thank you to everyone who entered the contest
2:00 – Announcing the winners from Last week’s Contest
3:30 – Introducing Phlearn Action Directories
4:00 – This Week’s Contest
5:00 – Breaking down what actions are
5:30 – Creating a sample action
6:00 – Your benefit from this contest
6:30 – Showing photos that have the look of an action
7:30 – How to submit your entry to the Contest of the Week .


For more tutorials and how to videos check out our extensive Photoshop and photography video channel:
We cover everything from Photoshop tutorials, photography tutorials, how to videos and more!



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