This tutorial walks through the new Triggers and Controls panels in the latest release of Adobe Character Animator CC. Learn how to create triggers, swap sets, and a visual control panel. From how to convert old puppets to setting up MIDI controls, this video will get you up and running with triggering expressive, dynamic animated characters.
0:00 Intro
0:43 Converting Old Puppets
2:29 How To Make Triggers
7:05 How To Make Swap Sets
9:36 Merging Triggers
11:16 Triggers Panel vs. Behavior Triggers
14:18 Editing Triggers In The Timeline
16:44 Generating A Controls Panel
19:04 Adding Behavior Parameter Controls
21:50 Adding MIDI Controls
23:45 Controls Panel Recording
25:54 Outro
Part 2 covers Physics, Clipping Masks, Pose To Pose Animation, and more new features: https://youtu.be/vVKmDLsnsiI
Download Character Animator: https://www.adobe.com/products/character-animator.html
Download free example projects and puppets: http://adobe.com/go/chexamples (Official Adobe Examples) and http://okaysamurai.com/puppets/ (Okay Samurai Puppets)
Get help on the official forums: https://adobe.com/go/chfeedback
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