On everyone’s list of their favorite expressions is the Overshoot and Bounce Back expressions created by Dan Ebberts (motionscript.com). Many of us have a text file with both of them in it to copy and paste onto any property. There is no argument for the usefulness of these expressions. However, they are a bit cumbersome to apply and require us to delve into the expression to adjust any of the parameters. Tim Thiessen, also known as pixelbot, solved this problem with his script called BOUNCr. It’s a dockable After Effects script that allows us to apply an Overshoot or Bounce Back to the selected properties. It also creates a Controller Effect to the selected layers that allows us to quickly adjust the parameters.
BOUNCr Script Download Link:
Do you want to get in touch with the author of this script, Tim Thiessen?
You can reach him at pixelbot@gmail.com
Also, check out Tim’s Chain & Sprockets script: www.aescripts.com/chain-and-sprockets/
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*** MUSIC BY: VLAD SOLOKHA. Vlad is a family friend who is a very talented musician. You can reach out to him by going to his facebook at https://www.facebook.com/vlad.solokha?fref=ts.