Learn how to create custom-shaped stickers to showcase your artwork.
Start from scratch, or download practice files [https://adobe.ly/2F99WS4] for a head start. Steps below.
1. Open your drawing, or use ours (sticker-art.ai).
2. Create space around your design: Choose the Selection Tool. Click and drag to select the artwork. Choose Object – Path – Offset Path.
3. Modify the offset angle: Enter an Offset value, select Joins – Round, check the Preview box. Click OK.
Tip: The sample uses an Offset value of 12 pts and Joins is set to Round to create a rounded corner (use Miter for pointed corners, or Bevel for squared corners). The Miter limit is set to 4. You may want to choose a higher limit for shapes with acute angles.
4. With the object selected, go to the Pathfinder panel (Window – Pathfinder), choose Unite (first icon in the Shape Modes section).
5. Reverse the Fill and Stroke color: If the default Fill color, in the Toolbar, is set to black and the default Stroke color is set to None (indicated by a red slash), click the double arrow between the boxes to reverse the settings.
Tip: If the default Fill and Stroke colors are different, click once on the Fill box and click the white icon with the red slash in the Color panel to set it to None. Then, click once on the Stroke box and click the black icon in the Color panel.
6. Move Outline to new layer: In the Layers panel (Window – Layers), create a new layer, double-click the layer name, and call it Cut Line. With the artwork still selected, choose Object – Arrange – Send to Current Layer.
Tip: When you’re finished with your sticker design, you can send it to a printer who can print and die cut your sticker so you can share as a decal, branding, or decoration.
That’s it!
To learn more, visit our Illustrator Tutorials page: https://adobe.ly/2Glz0EX
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