Second Ever Portfolio Critique
Chris, Iram, and I are very proud to bring you the second ever portfolio critique on Phlearn! The goal of this critique is to help not only Chis, but the whole Phamily become better.
This Episode is over 2:00HR long and took me over 12 hours to make. I know it is asking a LOT to give that much time of your day to this. Don’t feel like you must. We cover 6 images in this Critique, a perfect way to break it up! Watch one or two today, and come back for more later.
What I want from the critique:
I want to know what’s representing me in the best way. I want to be able to define and refine my style. I seem to shoot lots of different things but I prefer the portrait/fashion/anything to do with people stuff.
How do I push my images further? I feel that I could do more and excel in conceptual photography. I want to know which images are holding me back and why the strong images are representing me the best way.
Direction I want to take my work:
I want to be able to do photography for a living. I’m giving myself a timeline of around 2 years. I don’t want to have any regrets when I hit 30! I have a good job now, but it’s not fulfilling in the way that photography could be. When I was working in Regina, I was getting pretty busy. Then I moved to MTL, and asides from a mediocre 365 project, really didn’t do much. Recently I’ve been getting back into it and I cannot let it go this time.
What You Will Learn
1:00 – Intro with Chris & Iram, and why this critique is important
9:00 – Starting the Critique & Ground Rules
11:00 – Image 1 – Hot Pants
22:00 – Image 2 – Purple Shoes
38:00 – Image 3 – Girl on Floor
57:00 – Image 4 – I whip My hair back and forth
1:00:00 – Image 5 – Beer Ad
1:15:00 – Image 6 – Landscape & New Day
1:20:00 – Why it is VERY important to be picky
1:28:00 – Online Portfolio Critique
1:45:00 – How to write a proper ABOUT page
1:59:00 – PASSION
Your Critique
We need your help! A critique is best when it comes from many sources. Please post your ideas and comments on how to improve. Chris has agreed to be around all weekend to answer questions and help out.
If you are someone who comes to Phlearn often, but doesn’t comment much, now is the perfect time to do so. This is a safe environment and everyone undersands our intentions are to help each other. .
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For more tutorials and how to videos check out our extensive Photoshop and photography video channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/PhlearnLLC
We cover everything from Photoshop tutorials, photography tutorials, how to videos and more!