Home Graphic Photoshop 10 Things You Must Avoid Doing in Photoshop CC

10 Things You Must Avoid Doing in Photoshop CC

10 Things You Must Avoid Doing in Photoshop CC

Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”


Written Photoshop tutorial: http://bit.ly/2edMEwd

We all know about the Photoshop faux pas, techniques like trying to smooth skin by blurring it, or the good olde Over Retouching of the eyes that will so often leave our subjects looking like they’ve been subjected to the most awful of death-ray-esque LASIK eye surgeries, and of course merely using the lowly Image-Adjustments-Desaturate is an awful way to create black and whites when you have the power of Gradient Maps or the Black and White Adjustment Layer. Let’s instead take a dive into some other techniques that you should avoid using in Photoshop and maybe we can both expand our knowledge of this brilliant piece of software. To kick things off, let’s look at the number one thing to avoid!

Pick up my image retouching tutorial package ($27) right here: http://tutvid.com/retouching-photos-photoshop/


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