Home Graphic Photoshop Creating Cool Image Borders w/ Smart Photos! Photoshop Tutorial!

Creating Cool Image Borders w/ Smart Photos! Photoshop Tutorial!

Creating Cool Image Borders w/ Smart Photos! Photoshop Tutorial!

Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”


Check this video out at Hi-Res here: http://www.tutvid.com/tutorials/photoshop/tutorials/imageBordering.php

In this video we will learn all about one of the many hundreds of ways there are to border an image. We will create two borders, one with a layer mask the other with a clipping mask. We will also style a Smart Object with a Border, Vignette, and some layer styles and smart filters and learn some cool tricks along the way! Please check out the site http://www.tutvid.com

