Home Graphic Photoshop How to Combine & Edit Photos in Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Creative Cloud

How to Combine & Edit Photos in Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Creative Cloud

How to Combine & Edit Photos in Adobe Photoshop  | Adobe Creative Cloud

Create what you can imagine. Use Photoshop to take your photography to the next level. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to combine images, apply effects (such as blur), and move (and even remove) objects in an image. Bryan O’Neil Hughes presents.

Original tutorial on adobe.com: http://adobe.ly/1MJ1UeM
All Photoshop tutorials: http://adobe.ly/1YshV36

More Photoshop tutorials on helpx.adobe.com: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/tutorials.html?sdid=H822XTMZ&mv=social

Learn how to take great photos and make them even better. Preview world-class photography classes from CreativeLive: https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/training/photography.html?sdid=H822XTMZ

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