Home Nezaradené How To Create a Slide Transition in After Effects

How To Create a Slide Transition in After Effects

How To Create a Slide Transition in After Effects

In my previous tutorials I’ve used a simple slide wipe to transition between clips. Since then, few of you have been asking me to show you how to create it. Instead of replying to each of you individually, I decided to record a video tutorial showing you the stepsI took to create this slide transition. The process is quick and simple and I hope you enjoy this tutorial! For more tutorials visit ukramedia.com.


How to Create a Slide Transition in After Effects

To learn more about Set Matte:

How to Apply a Single Mask to Multiple Layers in After Effects

Free Patterned Backgrounds download link:

How To Create Patterned Backgrounds With Shape Layers in After Effects

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*** MUSIC BY: VLAD SOLOKHA. Vlad is a family friend who is a very talented musician. You can reach out to him by going to his facebook at https://www.facebook.com/vlad.solokha?fref=ts.

