Check out the full post at: http://phlearn.com/pt-3-editing-tips-tricks
General TIPS to help
Don’t get bogged down with what you CAN do. Focus on what you WANT to do.
Don’t put yourself in a time crunch. Allow the photo to come to you. It is great to step away from your image. Take a few days to edit. You will see things new each time.
Keep notes on what works, so you can go back to that
Simplify the image as much as possible while still getting the idea across.
Try something CRAZY – you just might like it. – colors, jump out of your comfort zone and style, try adapting the style of others.
Composition – look for it before you start, change it if you need to.
Look at what other people are doing with their editing, see if you can break it down & copy
Try all the blending modes even if you think you know which one you want
Fix clipping and edit with levels, curves – generally: neutralize, then expand by 5
Watch your highlights and shadows,
View the “mask only” to make sure you’re only masking what you want
Circle what you want to fix on your photos
Have some fun! .
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