Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”
Written Premiere Pro tutorial: http://bit.ly/tutvid-basic-video-editing
This is THE guide that you need to get started editing your very own video projects today! In this basic tutorial we’ll cover everything from setting up a Project in Premiere Pro to importing media, working with clips, lots of valuable hotkeys, trimming and cutting clips, the power of the ripple delete, syncing video to a soundtrack or audio, as well as a full vlog style video edit to showcase the power and speed of Premiere Pro to the new and even average user to help you get the very most out of this application ASAP!
Pick up my image retouching tutorial package ($27) right here: http://tutvid.com/retouching-photos-photoshop/
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