In this video tutorial, I will share my top 10 life saving Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 editing tips, tricks and shortcuts!
1. Copy Pasting Clips – Alternate Shortcut
2. Pasting on the right track – Selecting Tracks
3. Pasting Effects and Properties over multiple audio clips at once
4. Using Adjustment Layers
5. Creating Blank Color Mattes
6. Nesting Clips into Nested Sequences
7. Creating New Titles from Current Titles
8. 2x Playback Using L K and Space Bar Key Boards
9. Up and Down Arrow Keys to navigate ends / starts / cuts of clips
10. Using V and C to switch between razor and move tools.
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—(F.A.Q.) Frequently Asked Questions—
What do you use to record & edit your computer screen?
➜ Get ScreenFlow for Mac: http://bit.ly/2f5fELb
Where to get Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere Pro etc. ?
➜ Get Adobe Creative Cloud: http://bit.ly/2ekhRiF
All of the Tech & Camera Gear I Use:
➜ List of My Gear: http://amzn.to/2dUzfeC
Thanks for watching!
(Affiliates: Telestream, Adobe, Amazon)