FAST RETOUCHING WORKFLOW WEDDING PHOTOS | Retouch indoor, outdoor, and low-light pictures | This tutorial will cover five different image styles that work very well with wedding photos
00:49 Creating a sharp black and white candid photo
04:56 Creating a rich, colorful graded portrait look
09:45 Creating a “VSCO” faded look for outdoor portraits
15:13 Creating a colorful low-light shot for photos of the venue
19:42 Creating mood with a faded black and white photo (low-light, as well)
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In this Lightroom tutorial we’ll look at five different retouching workflows in Lightroom that work particularly well with wedding photos. The types of images we’ll cover are:
#1. Crisp, sharp, high contrast black and white.
#2. Rich and cinematic environmental bridal portrait.
#3. Lite “VSCO” faded style.
#4. Colorful low-light venue shot retouch.
#5. Faded black and white effect.
Enjoy the tutorial and let me know what styles you love most in wedding photography!
⚡️ check out the written tutorial here: http://bit.ly/2mClEOc
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