Premiere Pro Tutorial: LEARN SOME COOL AND USEFUL TRICKS IN PREMIERE PRO! | Use the Smart Rendering trick I use in this tutorial to make your videos render 25x faster!
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In this Premiere Pro tutorial, we’ll take a look at some cool stuff you can do with the interface in Premiere Pro, some snapping tricks for aligning text and graphics, changing the anchor point to completely change the animation, using the audio mixer to apply effects to an entire track, touch on the what, why, and how of submixes, setting default transitions, and the incredible power of Smart Rendering and you will see how much time this will save you if you can work it into your workflow. Thanks for watching!
⚡️ written tutorial here: http://bit.ly/2IREGsc
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tutvid is a YouTube channel dedicated to creating the best Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, and Illustrator tutorials. My goal is to create the best, most informative, and entertaining tutorials on the web. If you enjoy my videos, the best way to support what I do here is to purchase my course linked above or simply subscribe to the YouTube channel by pressing the red button.
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