This tutorial shows how to create an abstract shape animation in Adobe After Effects using the Plexus v2 plugin.
Bend Shape OBJ DOWNLOAD: https://goo.gl/AIgnZY
Template Download: http://videohive.net/item/plexus-abstract-opener/9220731?ref=graphicINmotion
Nexa Font: http://fontfabric.com/nexa-free-font/
Plexus Plugin: http://aescripts.com/plexus/
Plexus Obj Exporter (is included in the plugin anyway): http://aescripts.com/plexus-obj-sequence-exporter-for-c4d/
Difficulty: Intermediate
– Creating an abstract shape in Cinema4D
– OBJ Export
– Adding geometry using an OBJ file inside Plexus
– Adding Plexus renderers
– Adding Plexus effects
– Basic After Effects camera movement
– Keyframe velocity