Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”
Download Photoshop CS6 Beta here: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/photoshopcs6/
One of the more cutting-edge features delivered in Photoshop CS6 Beta is the brand new Content-Aware Move Tool. The concept of this tool is that you will be able to select objects in your image and move them around and Photoshop will do all the edge work and re-blend your object (face, person, building, car, etc… etc…) into whatever part of the image you move it to. The tool is a far cry from being perfect and often time’s takes a little tweaking and playing with to get a great result.
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We’re going to take a look at the tool and its features so you have an understanding of how it works and how it will be able to work for you. We’ll also run over a few less-than-optimum situations to help you get accustomed to dealing with some of the rougher edges where this tool probably will not do much good for you. Let’s get started and take a look at this exciting new feature of Photoshop! It’s super cool!