Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”
Check out the written tutorial! http://tutvid.com/create-simple-mp3-player-photoshop-tutorial/
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Ever want to walk through the steps to creating your very own sweet Mp3 player interface using Photoshop? This tutorial will get you going in no time with a super sleek Mp3 player modeled after the player used at CodeBase Hero, but inspired by the great folks over at 365PSD.com. Learn about and gain some experience with Clipping Masks, Shape Layers, Layer Styles, Alignment and more in this quick tutorial!
Tutorial Inspiration: http://365psd.com/day/302/
This tutorial is one in the continued series the Howard from http://www.IceflowStudios.com and I are creating. Inspiration is draw from the amazing http://www.365psd.com and any number of the quality, free PSD downloads they provide! Check them out now!