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Find the written tutorial here: http://tutvid.com/photoshop-tutorials/how-to-composite-a-car-onto-a-new-background/
In this tutorial we will take a photo of a car on the street and cut it out and move it over to a different background and make it look as realistic as we can. We’re going to cover how to choose images that can work together, how to adjust the perspective of the background image with Perspective Warp, how to cut out the car with the Pen Tool, how to find the correct perspective to make the car look like it is in the correct place, how to clone away reflective details, how to add the reflection of the sky to the car windows, and a bunch more! This is a pretty deep tutorial and there is a bunch to learn. I hope you love it! Thanks for watching!
01:16 Finding the right image
03:37 Cut out the car
06:02 Drag the car into new background scene
06:24 Adjusting the perspective of the car
07:25 Cleaning up the background
08:35 Adjust background perspective
16:02 Build the car shadow
22:28 Finding the correct perspective
31:17 Cropping it down
31:29: Cleaning up the windshield/reflections
36:35 Dragging in all the color grading effects
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