Flip a video clip on itself to create an eye-catching, mirrored effect with a few quick settings.
Start from scratch, or download practice files [https://adobe.ly/2rxRagI] for a head start. Steps below.
1. Create a new project in After Effects (File – New – New Project).
2. Search Adobe Stock video footage: Open the Libraries panel (may be the tab next to Effects & Presets). Search Adobe Stock for beach or waves footage (e.g., “hermosa beach drone”). Hover over the clip you’d like to use and click the shopping cart icon to license it. Or, click the cloud icon to preview it with a watermark before you buy it. Right-click the video clip in the Libraries panel and choose “Add to Project”.
Optional: Use “Hermosa Beach.mov” from our practice files. Then, import the clip (File – Import – File).
3. Add video clip to timeline: From the Project panel, drag the Hermosa Beach.mov clip to the “Create a new composition” icon.
4. Define the work area: Drag the playhead to the 20 second mark on the timeline. Type B, the keyboard shortcut, to show the beginning of the work area moving to the playhead.
Tip: If your timeline displays frames per second, Cmd+click (macOS), or Ctrl+click (Windows), on the timer to switch to seconds.
5. Apply the Mirror effect: From the Effects & Presets panel, search “Mirror”. Drag the Mirror effect on to the Hermosa Beach.mov clip in the timeline.
6. Add the first Mirror effect: In the Effects Controls panel, set the Reflection Angle to -90 degrees.
7. Add the second Mirror effect: Right+click in the Effects Controls panel and choose Mirror. Click the first value in the Reflection Center field for the 2nd mirror effect and add “/2” after the number to change the value to half of the original.
That’s it! Play your sequence to see the complete movie title.
Make it with After Effects: https://adobe.ly/2I51WpQ
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