Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”
FULL VIDEO: http://www.tutvid.com/tutorials/photoshop/tutorials/brushesInPhotoshop.php
This video was somehow automatically shortened by Youtube in Feb. of 2009. Instead of taking it down I decided to simply include a link to the full video on tutvid.com.
In this video tutorial we are going to start with the bare basics of the brush tool and learn about brushing and changing brush sizes and many of the basic things you can do with the brush and we will also go and learn about editing brush presets, creating new brush presets, changing the dynamics and scattering options for your brush as well as loading in brushes you have downloaded and creating your own custom brushes! This is a pretty big tutorial and we will cover a lot of material, so sit tight and enjoy! Please check out http://www.tutvid.com for more, free video tutorials as well as downloads!