Photoshop CS6 launched just a few months ago, and what most people have been asking me is not make more Photoshop CS6 tutorials, but whether or not they should upgrade.
So I took my top 5 favorite new additions to CS6 and made 5 mini Photoshop CS6 tutorials for you to see the new tools and improvements.
Keep in mind that these are not the only new upgrades, they’re not even half of all the ones that I like, but I could only pick a few to keep this video short.
The 5 Mini Photoshop CS6 Tutorials are:
Photoshop CS6 Tutorial – How To Use The Content Aware Move Tool & Patch Tool
Photoshop CS6 Tutorial – Turn Photo Into Oil Painting
Photoshop CS6 Tutorial – Use The New Crop Tool In CS6
Photoshop CS6 Tutorial – How To Add Strokes To Shapes
Photoshop CS6 Tutorial – Tool Recording With Photoshop Actions
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