Included in Your PRO Download
Source Image — We provide every photo necessary to complete the final images so you can work along side the tutorials
Frequency Separation Action — Included Frequency Separation action makes retouching simple.
Retouching Brush — Included retouching brush makes editing skin simple.
Complete Photoshop Tutorial — Over 1:40 hours of Photoshop instruction taking you from Lightroom to the final retouched image
Section 1 — Lightroom Tutorial (Adjusting exposure, light and color levels)
Section 2 — Intro and Planning (Creating a plan for the final retouch)
Section 3 — Removing Distractions (Cleaning up background and extending the frame)
Section 4 — Body Shaping and Coloring (Matching color from head to toe)
Section 5 — Full Body Retouching Including Frequency Separation (Separating texture from skin tone, dodge and burn, face retouching)
Section 6 — Rebuilding Hair and Final Coloring (Adding more hair and balancing composition, coloring and sharpening)
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For more advanced Photoshop Tutorials be sure to check out our Phlearn PRO Tutorials. We offer the best Photoshop tutorials available online starting at just $14.99.
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