PREMIERE PRO TUTORIAL ABOUT MOTION BLUR LIGHT TRAILS USING THE ECHO EFFECT! | We’ll cover how to use a cool effect baked into Premiere Pro and also create the effect manually as well.
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In this Premiere Pro tutorial, we will create cool long trailing lights that will add a nice touch to any high contrast video clip. In my case I used a clip of some traffic driving down a highway and you will see how the Echo effect in Premiere can really serve to stretch out a clip and add a trippy motion blurred type of effect to the head and tail lights of these cars. The effect has so many uses! Thanks for watching!
⚡️ written tutorial here: http://bit.ly/2oUAr5R
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tutvid is a YouTube channel dedicated to creating the best Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, and Illustrator tutorials. My goal is to create the best, most informative, and entertaining tutorials on the web. If you enjoy my videos, the best way to support what I do here is to purchase my course linked above or simply subscribe to the YouTube channel by pressing the red button.
✉️ business inquiries: nate@tutvid.com