This month’s community examples includes a script to get your visemes showing up in an After Effects timeline, an explainer video, 2 simultaneous puppets and a couple of expressive game streaming characters. Then we’ll showcase the puppet Jim Cramer used on TV for a Mad Money interview, and finally jump into some quick tips with front/back arm swaps, the secret semicolon key, and the difference between puppet and scene parameters.
0:00 Intro
0:54 Community Spotlight
9:13 Quick Tips
14:28 Outro
Show Links:
LJ Visemes: https://gumroad.com/larsjandel
Modern Money Basics: http://modernmoneybasics.com
Look Studios: http://digitalpuppets.co.uk
Nibbles: http://mixer.com/nibbles
Cazzler: http://twitch.tv/mrcazzler
Download Character Animator: https://www.adobe.com/products/character-animator.html
Download free example projects and puppets: http://adobe.com/go/chexamples (official adobe pack) and http://okaysamurai.com/puppets/ (okay samurai puppet pack)
Check out the official forums: https://adobe.com/go/chfeedback
Subscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=okaysamurai
Twitter: https://twitter.com/okaysamurai
Website: http://okaysamurai.com
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