Home Graphic Photoshop Gallery Photograph Effect: Photoshop CS3

Gallery Photograph Effect: Photoshop CS3

Gallery Photograph Effect:  Photoshop CS3

Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”


Check this out in higher res here: http://www.tutvid.com/tutorials/photoshop/tutorials/createGalleryStylewActions.php

I really love actions in Photoshop and time-saving features in any program for that matter. In this case we will be applying a nice black frame, a vignette, and a customizable caption to a photograph in the blink of an eye with an action! If you have never used actions before this is a perfect place to start! If you have used actions before you will still enjoy it! Enjoy saving time in Photoshop!

