![[HD] Super Quick Black and White Photos: Photoshop Tutorial! [HD] Super Quick Black and White Photos: Photoshop Tutorial!](http://adobelessons.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/tbCbaIJN_Ckmaxresdefault-768x432.jpg)
Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”
When working with large numbers of photos occasionally I will try batch processing a black and white conversion over a folder of images, but my problem always was the simple desaturate command in Photoshop never really did the trick, the photo(s) always looked way to flat. Using this technique we will boost contrast using blend modes prior to our final black and white conversion and the beauty of this method is it is the same for every photo so making an action takes seconds.
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