In this tutorial, I breakdown how I created my 2016 YouTube Intro with Adobe After Effects. After watching this tutorial you will understand what goes into making a beautiful YouTube intro. I’m using a few plugins like Element 3D, Trapcode Mir, and Optical Flares. Though, this video covers, plugins you may not have, I still give away great tips on conceptulizing intros and giving your elements meaning.
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Animated Icons: https://youtu.be/OZFuYj_ohWw
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Precise Infographics: https://youtu.be/pArivwQxgVY
Animated Flat Icons: https://youtu.be/YGBRpCOtjNM
Illustrator to After Effects Vectos: https://youtu.be/YGBRpCOtjNM
Intro to HUD Motion Graphics: https://youtu.be/joLaKW8o2ng