Patterned backgrounds are very useful for any videos. They come in very handy when you’re creating a video full of text and images over plain/boring background. Adding a simple pattern behind your content can give you that creative touch and take your video to a different level. By having a collection of patterns that can be easily adjusted in After Effects is huge! That’s why I decided to do a tutorial on exactly that. I’ll be showing you how to create different patterns using Shape Layers in After Effects. I do realize one can easily create the same patterns in Illustrator and probably have more control over them. The purpose of this tutorial is to show you that it is possible and easy to create patterns using Shape Layers. I hope you enjoy it and Be sure to download the free project file at http://ukramedia.com/?p=157!
Click on the link to download your free project file and backgrounds:
How To Create Patterned Backgrounds With Shape Layers in After Effects
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*** MUSIC BY: VLAD SOLOKHA. Vlad is a family friend who is a very talented musician. You can reach out to him by going to his facebook at https://www.facebook.com/vlad.solokha?fref=ts.