Did you know that you can edit videos on a tablet and using just your fingers? In Premiere Pro, you can use the multi-touch and gesture functionality to quickly edit your videos and films on your tablet with relative ease. We will cover how to use the drop zones feature which will allow you to place a video clip exactly where you want on your timeline, Premiere’s auto-collapsing panels, multi-touch scrolling of clips, timelines, and media in the project bin, we will cover the secret pop-up controller for multi-touch users, marking clips in/out points for faster (and more accurate!) timeline placement and easier editing on a mobile device, and so much more! If you’d like to be able to hack together rough cuts and spend more time relaxing while you edit video, you’re going to love multi-touch and gestures in Premiere Pro! Check it out and leave a big ole thumbs up if you enjoy this video! Thank you!
Check out the written tutorial: http://bit.ly/2h8GWvT
Pick up my image retouching tutorial package ($27) right here: http://tutvid.com/retouching-photos-photoshop/
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