Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”
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Find the written tutorial on the site: http://tutvid.com/photoshop-tutorials/how-to-use-liquify-in-photoshop-cc/
Well, you know it had to happen. Fat-shaming or not, we had to talk about making a girl thin in Photoshop using the Liquify filter. Ladies, I know you always want to look skinnier and this is the latest and greatest tutorial on losing 10, 20, or 50lbs in Photoshop fast! We will look at how I use Liquify to makes a girl’s eyes and lips larger and then how we work with a plus-sized model and reduce her to a typical-sized model using the smudging and puckering and masking tools in Liquify. You’re going to love this tutorial if you’re a portrait, fashion, or commercial photographer, or if you’re just looking to shed some pounds digitally in preparation for that dating profile.
1:16 Convert to Smart Object
1:32 Opening Liquify
1:57 Correcting the 16-bit image glowing box problem
2:59 Liquify to change her face
4:48 Weight loss with Liquify
5:24 Squeeze with transform
6:19 Liquify Mask Tool
7:31 Pucker Tool to being manipulating the body
7:59 Smudge Tool to adjust her figure
9:49 Adjusting smaller details
10:21 More of the Pucker Tool
11:14 Before/After Results
11:41 Adjusting Liquify
12:25 Real life example of Liquify mask tool usefulness
14:20 Outro
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