Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”
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Create a 3D Pill Button — Photoshop Tutorial
Learn how to create a simple, modern, and 3D pill-shaped button using Layer Styles, Masks, and Shapes in Photoshop. This button is a breeze to edit after the fact and it’s a dream to create simple rollover states based on this button. Learn about creating web elements, Layers, Layer Styles, Masks, Vector Masks, and more by following this tutorial!
This tutorial is one in the continued series the Howard from http://www.IceflowStudios.com and I are creating. Inspiration is draw from the amazing http://www.365psd.com and any number of the quality, free PSD downloads they provide! Check them out now!
Inspiration for this tutorial: http://365psd.com/day/2-3/