Home Graphic Photoshop How To Make Lady Gaga Album Cover – A Phlearn Video Tutorial

How To Make Lady Gaga Album Cover – A Phlearn Video Tutorial

How To Make Lady Gaga Album Cover – A Phlearn Video Tutorial

Check out the full post at: http://phlearn.com/how-to-make-a-lady-gaga-album-cover

Today we decided to change it up a bit by doing an impromptu photo shoot. It’s important to try to keep the photography juices flowing so you’re excited to work in photoshop every day. We decided to attempt a shoot style like that of Lady Gaga’s single releases (all black & white with basic text placement).

In today’s tutorial we start by converting the image to black and white. The main goal here is to have the photograph be very high contrast and is achieved by making the brights as bright as they get and darks visa-versa. Next, we discuss using a square crop for album covers and some option to keep you from losing information when you crop such as combining multiple exposures. Using basic type tools we place text in the proper place, and to make it feel like Lady Gaga we then singled out one letter by elongating its line. .

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